Secret Boxes

The beautiful, fun and easy way to get
started building Secret Apps.

To Secret Boxes

What are secret boxes?

Secret Boxes are quickstarts to help you build decentralized,
privacy preserving dApps on the Secret Network.

Each box comes with everything you need to start building
and includes libraries, secret contracts and beautiful UI
elements so you can focus on coding your functionality.

Secret Boxes can be anything from use case blueprints to
chain integrations, technical bootstraps and more.

News & Updates

What’s going on in the Secret Boxes universe? Here is where devs can find out about new
Secret Boxes, launch announcements, protocol updates, developer working groups and more.

griptape launching soon

“GripTape” Secret Box Launching Soon

richie rich secret box

“Richie Rich” Secret Box

secret voting
secret people voting

Secret Voting Box

sienna network

Sienna Network