Launching Your Developer Secret Network

Secret Agent

Mar 3, 2021

This tutorial is for developers to get started with development on the Secret Network. The local blockchain runs in a docker container and simulates the Intel SGX (TEE) that is a requirement for the Holodeck testnet and mainnet.

It's super easy and quick, once you have docker installed. Just a few commands!

Setup Your Environment

  • Install Docker for your environment (Mac, Windows, Linux).

Launch the Developer Secret Network

In a terminal window start the Secret Network by running the docker container named secretdev:

docker run -it --rm \
  -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -p 1337:1337 \
  --name secretdev enigmampc/secret-network-sw-dev

Note: To stop the secretdev blockchain enter

Your local blockchain starts with a set of keys or accounts, named a, b, c, and d.

After initializing and validating the genesis file you can see the network starting and blocks getting committed. Included in the startup is an HTTP REST server (also known as the LCD or Light Client Daemon) that can be accessed via localhost on port 1337

Query the Latest Block

Use the REST API to view the latest block information.

curl http://localhost:1337/blocks/latest

Use the CLI to Interact with the Network

In a separate terminal window connect to the container in interactive mode, executing the Bash shell.

docker exec -it secretdev /bin/bash
secretcli keys list

Note: secretcli is configured to use the test keyring backend which makes it easier for development and testing (e.g. no password required).

Use exit to quit your interactive Docker session.